My Ex Ruined My Day at Work, I Brilliantly Took Revenge on Him the Same Day

My Ex Ruined My Day at Work, So I Brilliantly Took Revenge the Same Day

I thought I had finally put my past behind me. My ex, Jake, and I had broken up months ago, and I was doing my best to move on. But apparently, he wasn’t ready to let go.

That morning at work started like any other—until my phone blew up with messages. Friends, coworkers, even my boss were all asking me the same thing: “Are you okay?” Confused, I checked my social media. And there it was—Jake had posted a long, dramatic rant about our relationship, twisting the truth to make me look like the villain. He even tagged my workplace, knowing exactly how to humiliate me in front of my colleagues.

I was fuming. I could have cried. I could have confronted him. But instead, I chose a different approach—one that would make him regret ever messing with me.

During lunch, I remembered something: Jake had always been insecure about his job. He worked for a small company, constantly bragging about his “important” role. So, I did some digging. A few clicks later, I found a

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