A Husband And Wife Are Awoken

A husband and wife are awoken at 3 AM by a loud pounding on the door

The husband looks out the bedroom window through the pouring rain,

and sees a car he does not recognize parked on the street out front.

He gets up to answer the door, where a drunken stranger, standing in the rain, asks for a push.

“Not a chance!” says the husband, “Do you have any idea what time it is?

Get lost!” He slams the door and returns to bed.

“Who was that?” asks his wife.

“Just some drunk guy asking for a push.” he grumbles.

“Did you help him?” she asks.

“Absolutely not. It’s 3 AM and pouring rain outside. I told him to get lost.”

His wife retorts, “Don’t you remember about 3 months ago when we broke down and

those two guys stopped to help us? That man needs your help and you just left him out there?

You should be ashamed of yourself. Go and help him!”

“Fine.” the husband mutters. He reluctantly gets dressed,

goes downstairs and heads out into the pouring rain.

“Hello? Are you still there?” he calls out into the dark.

“Yes!” a voice calls back.

“Do you still need a push?” calls out the husband.

“Yes please!” comes the reply from the dark.

“Where are you?” asks the husband.

The drunk replies, “Over here on the swing set!”

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