Sarah and Andy Justice attempted to get pregnant for a very long time. But it appeared that life had different ideas.
The Tulsa, Oklahoma, couple made every effort. They turned to adoption after three years of fruitless searching.
When a birth mother and the couple were promptly matched, Sarah and Andy went along when it came time for the woman to get an ultrasound.
But the results of the ultrasound astonished everyone, including the physicians, the birth mother, and the Justices. Triplets were on the way to the mother!
Little Joel, Hannah, and Elizabeth were delivered without incident a few months later. A week later, newlyweds Sarah and Andy learned even more amazing news.
The previously childless couple learned that they will soon have a large family.
“Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox
Andy and Sarah Justice were ecstatic.
They believed that after a protracted adoption process and much difficulty, they would only ever be able to have one or two children.

They were overjoyed in 2014 when they decided to adopt a pregnant woman’s triplets.
Joel, Hannah, and Elizabeth, the triplets, battled early in life since they were born much too soon.
The triplets had to stay in the neo-natal intensive care unit for a while, before they could go home.
The Justices, though, couldn’t have been more delighted to have them. And a week after they had the three children, Sarah’s OB/GYN gave her some incredible news.
Just after the triplets arrived, Sarah went to the doctor, and they had some amazing news for her.
Finally, Sarah discovered that she was expecting a set of twins.
She and her husband suddenly moved from being childless and without hope of having children to having three children and another two on the way.
Abigail and Andrew’s twin birth about 8 months later made the house quite crowded.
But the Justice family’s journey didn’t end there. Miraculously, Sarah was soon pregnant again — this time with a single baby.

Caleb, the couple’s sixth child, was born after a startlingly brief two-year period of childlessness.
It simply goes to show how important it is to never give up on your dreams.
Because life has a habit of taking unexpected twists, and occasionally you wind up having exactly what you’ve always wanted, it’s important to be open to these possibilities. In this particular instance, an amazing and extensive family.
The unbelievable tale of the family quickly rose to prominence all across the world. In 2014, the Justice family participated in an interview with the TODAY show and provided viewers with some insight into the chaotic daily lives of their family.
They used a staggering 300 diapers week back then, dad Andy revealed:
”As soon as you get one diaper changed, it’s time to start all over again.”
Despite all the hard work and hardships, the couple regrets nothing.
“We just love having these children,” Sarah said.
The children are doing very well, and as you can see from the images, they are maturing very quickly.
Recently, Joel, Hannah, and Elizabeth, who are triplets, celebrated their sixth birthday together with their family.When I look at my family now, I see that they are just as grateful and optimistic as they were back then.
I have high hopes that by continuing to tell their story and being so devoted to their children, they will continue to motivate thousands of people.