How to remove set-in grease stains from laundry.

Grease stains can be notoriously difficult to remove, especially from clothing we love and cherish. If the item affected holds sentimental value, you’ll want to salvage it at all costs. Fortunately, there is an effective solution for removing grease stains that is both practical and easy to use: Dawn Platinum Erasing Dish Foam.

Why It Works
Dawn Platinum Erasing Dish Foam is designed to tackle tough grease on dishes, so it stands to reason it can be equally effective on fabrics. The same grease-fighting properties that cut through kitchen grime can help break down and lift grease from clothing fibers.

How to Use It
1. **Apply Directly**: Squeeze a generous amount of Dawn Platinum Erasing Dish Foam directly onto the grease stain.
2. **Let It Sit**: Allow the foam to sit on the stain for about 5 minutes. For tougher stains, you can let it sit longer.
3. **Launder**: Wash the item as usual with your regular laundry detergent.
4. **Repeat if Necessary**: If the stain persists, repeat the above steps until the grease is fully removed.

Materials It Works On
This method is effective on a variety of fabrics, including:
– Cotton
– Jeans
– Polyester

It even works on older, more stubborn stains that have set in over time.

Before using this method on delicate fabrics, conduct a patch test on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure the fabric is not damaged.

Using Dawn Platinum Erasing Dish Foam can save time and effort when doing laundry, particularly if you find laundry to be a tedious task. Plus, it’s a handy solution that you might already have in your kitchen.

By sharing this simple yet effective trick, you can help friends and family rescue their favorite clothing items from grease stains. Don’t forget to share this article with your family and friends on Facebook to spread the word!

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