If you see these 3 things at a hotel, check out immediately

If you see these 3 things at a hotel, check out immediately

An employee with 20 years of experience in the hotel service industry advises that when entering a hotel, you should check to see if there are these 3 things. If so, check out immediately.


When staying at a hotel or motel, it’s important to be vigilant and check for potential issues after check-in. Here are three things to watch out for:

  1. 2-Way Mirror: Unlike one-way mirrors, a 2-way mirror allows someone on the opposite side to see you. To check, poke your finger against the mirror. If there’s no gap between your finger and the reflection, it’s a 2-way mirror, and you should check out immediately.
  2. Dirty Showerheads and Faucets: Inspect the showerhead and faucets for any dirt, hair, or debris. If you find anything unpleasant, contact the front desk to have it replaced or check out.
  3. Hidden Cameras: Be aware of hidden cameras that may compromise your privacy. Look for red infrared lights in outlets or corners. If you spot any suspicious devices, contact the front desk and leave immediately.

For your safety, always check these details to ensure a secure stay.

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