The claim that OnlyFans creator Bonnie Blue slept with 1,057 men in 12 hours has gone viral, sparking widespread debate over the logistics and morality of such an event. Bonnie, who shared pictures and videos of the aftermath, including a room filled with condom wrappers and a tally of participants, insists she broke the record and described the stunt as a “massive success.”
The event reportedly took place in a “nondescript office block” on New Cavendish Street in Marylebone, London. Bonnie stated that 16 staff members were involved, and the acts were filmed for OnlyFans and a documentary. Participants were offered ski masks to protect their identities.
While Bonnie described feeling “excited” about the event’s outcome, many online have criticized it, with witnesses calling the scene “desperate” and “depressing.” One passerby noted its proximity to busy tourist and office worker hubs, adding to the controversy.
Skeptics have questioned the feasibility of the feat, noting it averages to just 24 seconds per person. Critics argue that such a stunt raises ethical and logistical concerns, while supporters claim it highlights Bonnie’s autonomy and promotional savvy.
Regardless of the opinions, the viral nature of the event demonstrates the internet’s fascination with extreme and unconventional acts, as well as the ethical conversations they provoke.