Wendy Williams Has Been Taken to the Hospital — Details

Following a wellness check by the police, 60-year-old television personality Wendy Williams was taken to the hospital, where a psychiatrist later assessed her mental capacity.

According to a spokesperson’s statement to USA Today, the New York Police Department (NYPD) conducted a welfare check at Williams’ senior living facility on Monday, March 10. Emergency medical services (EMS) then transported her to a nearby hospital for further evaluation.

Her hospitalization led to additional medical assessments. As reported by TMZ, doctors at Lenox Hill Hospital performed an independent psychiatric evaluation to determine whether she could manage her own affairs.

The outcome of this evaluation may influence the court-ordered guardianship currently overseeing her finances and personal matters. Meanwhile, the NYPD and Adult Protective Services have been looking into allegations that her senior living facility limits her movements, allegedly requiring approval for her to leave her floor.

A psychiatrist concluded that Williams remains mentally competent. She underwent a “capacity test,” which included 10 key questions designed to assess cognitive function. Sources informed TMZ that she answered all questions correctly, achieving a perfect score of 10 out of 10.

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