Even in life’s most fragile moments, the universe gently reminds us that beauty still exists. At 10, I suddenly lost my dad, and the last gift he gave me was a singing teddy bear. I kept it, and 20 years later, I gave it to my son when he turned 7. We needed to add batteries to make it sing again, and when I opened it, I was shocked to discover a small cassette next to the battery box. Finding this cassette 20 years after my dad’s death was unbelievable. I found a recorder and listened to it, feeling chills as I heard my dad’s voice reading favorite stories, sharing funny memories, and offering advice for my future self.
He ended the recording by saying that since he wouldn’t meet my children, he wanted me to pass the cassette to them so they could “meet” their granddad. That’s exactly what I did. The cassette is now my most treasured possession, and my son loves it too. My mom and I never knew about it.