Heartbreak at a Roman Catholic Convent in Michigan

Buckle up, because the story I’m about to share is a tear-jerker. Thirteen devoted nuns lost their lives to COVID-19 at a Roman Catholic convent in Livonia, Michigan. These valiant souls, aged between sixty-nine and ninety-nine, made significant contributions to society and their loss is deeply felt.

The Global Sisters Report calls this “the worst loss of life to a community of women religious since the 1918 influenza pandemic,” a haunting historical parallel.

The tragedy unfolded due to the nuns’ advanced age and close living arrangements, which facilitated the virus’s spread. Two aides unknowingly brought the virus inside, leading to outbreaks akin to those seen in nursing homes.

Over a month, the virus claimed one sister’s life nearly every other day, leaving surviving sisters unable to attend funerals due to transmission risks. The pain was prolonged as another sister passed away on June 27.

This episode serves as a cautionary tale of COVID-19’s toll, especially on the elderly. Let’s remain vigilant with masks, social distancing, and hand hygiene, because lives depend on it.

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