If You Ever Spot This Insect, Get Rid of It Immediately!

The lanternfly, or Lycorma delicatula, is an insect you want to get rid of immediately if you spot it. Originating in China, it was first seen in the U.S. in Pennsylvania in 2014.

Since then, it has spread, causing significant agricultural and ecological damage. Lanternflies feed on the sap of many plants and trees, weakening them and causing sooty mold due to the sticky honeydew they excrete. This mold further harms the plant by inhibiting photosynthesis.

Lanternflies are easy to identify. Adults are about an inch long, with gray wings featuring black spots and red and black underwings.

Nymphs are black with white spots, turning red before maturity. They use a needle-like mouthpart to pierce plants and suck out sap, sapping the plant’s life energy. If you see a lanternfly, “the recommended course of action is to eliminate it.”

You can squash the adults or nymphs directly. Destroying egg masses, which look like gray mud smears, is also crucial. Scrape them into a bag with alcohol or hand sanitizer to kill the eggs. Taking action against lanternflies is essential to protect our plants and environment. If you spot one, remember the damage they can cause and act to help keep our ecosystems healthy.

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