In a tragic and heroic tale reminiscent of the movie “Taken,” Miriam Elizabeth Rodríguez Martínez, a mother from San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Mexico, took on the ruthless Los Zetas Cartel after her daughter, Karen Alejandra Salinas Rodriguez, was kidnapped and murdered in 2012.
Despite her relentless pursuit of justice, which led to the apprehension of several cartel members, Miriam ultimately paid the ultimate price, losing her life. Her story serves as a testament to a mother’s love and determination in the face of danger and the pursuit of justice, even when authorities often turn a blind eye to organized crime. Miriam’s legacy lives on through a non-governmental group of families led by her surviving son, Luis, who continue their quest to find missing loved ones. Her courageous fight for justice serves as an enduring source of inspiration.