Rick Harrison, a star of the long-running reality TV show “Pawn Stars,” is embroiled in a legal dispute with his mother, Joanne Harrison. The lawsuit centers on the family’s assets and ownership of the Las Vegas pawn shop featured on the show. Joanne Harrison filed the suit, with Rick Harrison, the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, Harrison Properties, and JoRich Properties named as defendants.
Rick Harrison disputes the charges, stating they lack merit and expressing concern that others are taking advantage of his 81-year-old mother. In 2009, the pawn shop was featured in a History Channel show, starring the family’s grandson, Richard Corey Harrison, and a family friend, Austin “Chumlee” Russell.
The lawsuit claims that Joanne Harrison acquired Richard Harrison’s 49 percent stake in the pawn shop after his 2018 death, but Rick Harrison hasn’t provided her with complete financial transaction documentation. Joanne Harrison also alleges an inability to obtain an accurate accounting of over $500,000 in cash and silver, believed to have been accumulated by her husband before his passing.
The legal action seeks specific damages, an asset audit, a court order to prevent Rick Harrison from using Joanne Harrison’s money, and the establishment of “a constructive trust” over her property.