River Creature With Enormous Claws Freaks Out Mississppi Kayakers

Shala Holm’s remarkable encounter with a gigantic snapping turtle during her family vacation at Niemeyer’s Rugged River Resort has recently gained viral attention, despite the incident originally occurring in November 2022.

While fishing with her daughter on the Mississippi River, Holm was taken aback when a colossal snapping turtle approached their kayak, intrigued by a basket of fish. Startled, she lifted the basket, and the turtle swam away. Returning the next day, Holm managed to capture close-up photos of the massive reptile.

Experts estimated the turtle’s age to be at least 15, possibly 30 years old. Sheila Niemeyer, resort co-owner, posted the photo on Facebook, leading to a viral sensation with thousands of comments and shares.

Snapping turtles, though intimidating, are not dangerous to humans. They help maintain ecosystems by consuming decaying matter but face various threats, including habitat loss and vehicle collisions.

Holm plans to return to the same spot next summer, hoping for another glimpse of this incredible creature. This encounter underscores the wonder of nature and the importance of preserving it.

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