Dogs have incredible instincts and can often detect things that humans might miss. In one viral TikTok video, a dog’s persistent barking at his owner’s car led to saving a little life.

A woman named Savannah shared in a TikTok video that her puppy “wouldn’t stop whining” at her car early in the morning. Concerned, the owners checked under the hood but didn’t see anything unusual. The dog continued to whine, so they decided to spray the car down with a hose.

Suddenly, they noticed a tiny kitten running out from under the car! The little stray had been hiding in the hood and might have gone unnoticed if the dog hadn’t alerted its owners.

Fortunately, the kitten was in good hands. Savannah has much experience caring for animals, which seem to always find their way to her. “This is the 3rd baby animal I’ve found in 35 days,” she wrote on TikTok. “It feels like a joke at this point.” She took the kitten in, and while it was initially “spicy” and hissing at her, it soon warmed up to her.

However, Savannah didn’t keep the kitten permanently. Her friend Cody offered to take in the cat. Coincidentally, Savannah had recently said goodbye to her own pet cat a month ago, so she sent the kitten to its new home with all her leftover cat food and supplies. “I’m happy I have someone to share those things with,” she wrote.

Savannah concluded with a heartfelt message to the kitten: “I wish you happiness in your new home, and I’m really glad you picked my car to hide in.”

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