A heartbreaking incident occurred in the Los Angeles wildfires, claiming the lives of 67-year-old amputee Anthony Mitchell and his son Justin, who had cerebral palsy. Anthony, who used a wheelchair, chose to stay behind to ensure his son’s safety. His daughter, Hajime White, shared, “He was not going to leave his son behind, no matter what.” Sadly, their bodies were discovered in Altadena after they were unable to escape the advancing flames.
The wildfires have resulted in at least 10 fatalities, and officials are cautioning that the number may increase as they continue to identify the victims. The LA medical examiner has reported that they are relying on dental records and DNA due to the state of the remains. Sheriff Robert Luna highlighted the difficulties faced by emergency responders, noting the presence of ongoing spot fires and gas leaks.
Victor Shaw, 66, was among those who lost their lives, as he bravely attempted to protect his family home of 55 years. His sister, Shari, remembered urging him to leave. “When I went back in and called for him, he didn’t answer, and I had to escape on my own.” In a similar situation, 82-year-old Rodney Nickerson also lost his life, having decided to remain in his Altadena residence, convinced that the fire would pass.
The wildfires have ravaged more than 34,000 acres, marking the most devastating event in LA’s history. Many celebrities, including Anthony Hopkins and Paris Hilton, have also suffered the loss of their homes. As search efforts continue, officials are asking for patience, with the sheriff cautioning, “The full extent of the devastation will take time to reveal.”